Rate my shortblock

IMO Just means it has some miles on it. How did it run b4 pulling the heads? Any smoke?

Ran good.
I only started it once every 3-4 months and it would puff a faint amount of smoke sometimes but not all the times when I started it but after i drove it a few times no more smoke

but it was very hard to start

i thought it was head gasket

but i had the carb rebuilt and tech said carb was WAAAY rich

couldve explained the hard starts (almost like it was drowning in fuel)

already needed springs for the heads (i knew that)
then machinist said i needed valve guides and a few other things
said by the time he got done with them they'd be only slightly cheaper than a set of new heads
suggested i go that route (not buying them from him but craigslist, ebay or summit)

i'm going to get a junkyard set so i can at least move the truck around

i'm now down to the part where i need to clean the gasket residue off the block then start the replace process starting with the head gasket