Hotwire harness-how to get around the 12v at start

I'm just getting to this stage now. So how does it work exactly, you still have your ignition barrel, but do you need to turn the key to a certain position and then push the start button. Or being 12V hot permanently can it be fired up without a key anytime? I'm trying to picture how the two work together, ie. if you just wanted to turn your accessories on you'd need to have the barrel for this to happen.

If you feed the control side of your button from ign1 it will only engage the starter when the key is on. If you go 12v battery it will crank at any time, only start when the key is on. Either way the starter will not crank when engine is running because the PCM sees rpm and protects against double start.

Just saw this topic on another thread, and I would try jumping ign1 and ign2 first, it's easy and if it doesn't work you can add the button. Mine has started every time this way in 1200+ miles... So far, I'm sure I just jinxed myself...