What will it run with new convertor? Guess

Fun night!
Inching up on 13's!
Yes it was Ty thanks for calling...I had fun !
Would you consider bringing your car up to Little River? Would love to see another Mopar at Little River! Is that too far away for you? I'll be going back to San Antonio when I can, but after the crowds die down. Also too many streeters out there right now and new staff needs experience.
p.s. do you plan to race the car, or do you want to know how fast it will go? (or both)
I have taken it to Little River before SAR opened back up...Trailer-ed it a couple of times and drove it once.My 1/8 mile times were bad but now with the new convertor a little better.
I consider SSS races but want to make each race and even though the first few where rained out..I have not got my car dial in right and consistent ,so maybe next year.
SAR is starting to simmer down and the crew is doing better.
Would love to at least come out soon to watch yours run !!!