Plug wires ?

I like the MSD wires. I too have the Blaster 2 coil and MSD 6AL box and just figured I'd stick to the same brand. You'd think since all the components came from the same maker - they'd jive together correctly. For my 410 I wanted black wires and I wanted them routed as cleanly as possible so I got MSD's universal kit and made my own. Easy to do if you have a little time.

I'm sure there's no real performance benefit over any other wire out there that is the same diameter but they work and look good when used with the MSD wire separators. IMO

Very nice! I currently run 8.8 Accel wires but have MSd 6al and Blaster coil, I would like to get MSD wires but want to go black...I like my Accel wires but figure its better to stick with the "same brand"