plug wires, correct me if i am wrong

Resistance helps reduce EMI by rounding the edges of the voltage and current waveforms. A sharp transition is rich in high frequencies including radio frequencies. The resistance also reduces the antenna nature of the cables.

While it takes a high voltage in 1000's of volts to initiate a spark, once started the gap voltage is 100V. Peak spark current for a good ignition is about 1/4 A. Because the ignition coil is designed as a transformer, it ends up being mismatched in impedance serving the spark current. Higher voltage coils are even more mismatched.

Typically if the total resistance from coil to plug is 9k Ohms or less, that is good enough. Spiral wound may be less, they use magnetic compound to help reduce EMI. They are more complex, and sometimes even use resistance sheath too. Simple, reliable is good.

If EMI is too great, it will mess with your radio, phone, EFI, if you have that, and even cars around yours.