Is this a cam problem?

What gears? Stock compression?

My $.02, it's not 'way too big of a cam', but just a couple steps bigger than stock. I dunno the purple stick specs off the top of my head, but sounds about the same characteristics as the Comp 264/OCG819. Mine, in a 8.9 compression 225 with 2.76 gears and stock stall. This combo would really like more gear and stall, and a bit more than stock compression. As a feller over on .org says, 'there's no such thing as too much cam, only not enough motor!'

Oh, and the 198's shorter stroke aint helpin you out much. I'd say either upgrade the motor/drivetrain a lil to match the cam, or install smaller cam ( I hear the Comp252/OCG818 come on just above idle, but that's in a 225)