FiTech EFI system

On the Chevy one, if the alt was moved up to the 12 o'clock position, you could really move the driver's blower idler in. Not to mention it would give the belt more wrap around the water pump. I see a big problem with that long stretch of belt between the two blowers slapping around, also.

With the Mopar, maybe mount the alternator down low at the crank centerline and work out the blower idlers from there?

I was contemplating the single unit, however after talking to the guy on the phone today I have changed my mind on that unit. Guy was... How do I put it, a Straight out A. Hole! All he kept saying to me is they are good for 6-8 lbs of boost, over and over again. Their site says you can get more power so I asked the question and got crucified for it. Then he says with a smaller pulley you can get a MAXXX of 10 Psi from them.

Doing more research they seem to be a good fit for a Parking lot hopper. I seen a video of a guy with the twins installed and the interviewer asks him how much boost.... Drum Roll............ 6PSI with 2 of them... That my friends is Weak as fck. Show boat crowd pleaser stuff right there. All show and no go.

Procharger to the rescue.