A question of football - Deflategate

What I don't understand is, if they allow the balls to be roughed up to the QBs liking... why not aired to the QB's liking? Seem kinda dumb.

-The NFL sends about 30 balls to each team for each game the week before the game; these are the quarterback balls. The equipment guys are allowed to break them in (within reason - the NFL doesn't like super beat up footballs appearing on TV) to the specifications the quarterbacks want. Some guys like more tackiness, some guys like smoother, whatever. These balls have the team name on them so the quarterbacks get the ball they want during the game.

The 12 K-balls (kicking balls) are unwrapped the day of the game and the equipment guys get 45 minutes to try to break them in (fun fact- before Tony Romo dropped that field goal snap and complained about the ball grease they only had 15 minutes) as much as possible - they're allowed to use a stiff brush and a sink of water. Both teams will use these balls for kicking, they cycle between ball 1 and ball 2 every kick (the balls are also numbered from 1-12). The equipment guys can generally only break in balls 1-4, so if you lose a couple you're going to face a much tougher time kicking during the game.