White Castle burgers..?

Used to be one in downtown Pittsburgh YEARS ago. Folks took us there when I was knee high, was confused about the shrunkin size. I see a few as I drive around the east coast but cant say I have tried them since my youth.
On the subject of lethal "nuclear waste producing food", we have a local greasy spoon home cookin restaurant in my home town. I like a good bowl of home made soup for lunch,with just a glass of ice water. The first time they had ham and bean, I ate 2 bowls it was so good! At 3:00, I got the cold sweats and the disturbance in the force was physically distorting my abdomen ON THE OUTSIDE! I really thought I was having a heart attack, had to go home, unbuckle, hit the recliner and eat half a bottle of Gavascon chewables.