White Castle burgers..?

This past week wife wanted to go, had the usual, 2 double cheese with extra pickle.

They are best when fresh and hot

They also have great chocolate shakes

Have made White Castle stuffing for thanksgiving before. They have a cook book for all you can make with White Castle burgers

In comparing Krystal's to White Castle, had heard they tasted the same, I don't thing so, White Castle hand s down, gal,I work with from Georiga said the Krystal's is better, think it must be from where you grew up

Years ago they had a Christmas commercial with a train set in a garage and in the center was a White Castle building. Sent White Castle an email to see if it was available. Was told no, about 3 months later they sent an email and said if I wanted one to send money to........ So now my wife has her own White Castle building .............LOL