Anything New?

It's good to hear from all yalls! I've thought a lot about my Fabo family. I should checked in more but I was a dork.:violent1: So does anybody know if the mopar bug will bite me again? I find myself thinking more and more about the car but honestly this is the first time I've ever become disinterested in mopars. This is unprecedented territory for me. Maybe I just need to get back wrenching again on the old girl.

Rob that's one super duper clean dentside. Mines an old farm truck and she really loves up to her name lol!

Thanks bomber, I'm hoping they can figure if out soon too. When i feel good enough I've been doing little side jobs with my brother on people's vehicles to supplement my savings and keep my bills paid and let me tell you every time I get out there and start to work I realize how horribly out of shape I've gotten. It's driving me nuts.