Modern Headlights

the shady part is mainly because he seems to pop up everywhere and posts on every board that talks about lighting. Normal people do not have that much free time.
I have followed a lot about what he has said about lighting I will not argue that nor will i argue his alleged knowledge on the subject of lighting.

I could never find part numbers when he was talking about bulbs or lenses. Most stuff seemed discontinued or non existent in north america. That is not an argument whether things were good or not because lots of great things have been discontinued. the availability is also a factor to think about. If i have to buy a warehouse to stalk items to keep my car on the road then something is off as most stuff to get to my door will take over a week if found on the internet. When my parts store will/or get the item within 24 hours. when in a pinch i want to be able to walk to the parts store and get the item before the police show up because i have a burnt out headlight :-)

A lot of times he posts about a bulb/lens that cannot be found anywhere else, but magically he had some on the shelf. My ears/eyes are always open to advice or an opinion but i will search and search to get to the bottom of one opinion before i jump on a bandwagon.

i rarely ever fall for the claims of advertising (that i am aware of) :-)
I sit and voice my opinion at tv commercials all the time and sometimes feel like a grumpy ole man watching tv with all the "tech" behind things. But when you dig deeper there are alot of claims that have no study to back it up. Just an opinion from the company that is trying to sell you or i something.

Excuse but i now have to go change my lighter fluid in my headlights and tweak the muffler bearings.