Suggestions on performance upgrades for 225

You have to realize how Clifford operates. There is no large warehouse full of parts waiting to be shipped out. They take orders, collect money and when enough orders are in, they do a production run.
Jack Clifford gave a lifeline to those w/inlines largely ignored by almost everybody
else,and I'm not going to be so quick to toss his company under the bus.That^^^^^is the
unforgivable sin in today's ondemand 3 keystrokes and I've bought it/found it world.The very
thought of waiting for something is outrageous to kids/people.Summit/jegs have us spoiled,
and no matter how odd or obscure the item,we expect one on our doorstep in 2-3 days.
I'm sure there may be operating/management/attitude issues w those who have
assumed the task of running the co.,business can be tough,and who can say what the state
of finances were/are?I'll reserve My judgement of the co. after another year or two,then i'll
weigh the feedback,hopefully more positive by then.