Slant 6 Turbo 68Dart Project

Ok. No update in a while. Tonight when I was leaving work the car smelled awfully of coolant, and when I stopped at a stop sign I could see a nice plume of smoke go up. I only had a 6 block drive to get home. I made it home. I parked and looked back. It was a nice liquid trail leading right to my house. Gosh I hope that goes away... It's a consistant stream. It's dark so I looked all over the engine bay with my phone light. I know it was spraying coolant at the turbine or U pipe because it was steaming. I saw the repair freeze plug I popped in had popped out up against the exhaust manifold. It's a rubber one. That sure didn't last long. Somehow it blew out when I revved the engine while starting the car. Not quite sure how or why that'd happen. But...

I've been putting off new engine time for too long. I have the money and in a few days I'll have a break from working. Thinking it may be the time.

But right now all I'm worried about is the trail of breadcrumbs going to my house. this is California after all.