Winter Meeting

People here can't drive if it even Rains !!

LOL, same here.
And when it does rain they still try to do 80 in the 65.
Of course there is also always at least one doing 40 in the left lane with no lights on during it all.

I was driving my Dart in a pretty bad snow storm last year (vision was a bout 50 feet or so) and the amount of white cars without lights on was just dumbfounding.
Couldn't even see them till they were 30 feet from you.

Just last month it was raining pretty hard and some woman just stopped right in the road on a 2 lane 45mph.
Didn't pull off the road, and didn't turn on any lights or flashers, just stopped. WTF?
I saw her stopped in the road in enough time, signaled and moved into the left lane and just layed on the horn as I went by.
Dumb *** people.