Low buck options for 17 inch wheels

Boy, all those non related opinions to the original post really helps the guy out with his question...Way to keep it Classy FABO, you should all be real proud of yourselves.

I have to agree with AbodyBomber, a used set of Mustang wheels will be the cheapest way to go.

There was nothing unrelated or not "classy" as you say. My comments were simply a direct answer to his question. What do you think fuels tire and wheel manufacturing? A small niche market like classic cars? Hardly. Cars and trucks being sold new everyday.

17s have been on the way out for a while now. Hardly anything comes with them anymore. Check around. 18s are way more popular.

I suggest instead of trying to make something out of something that's nothing, that you actually provide some solid input like the rest of us.