Another Mopar Off My Bucket List - Barracuda Fastback

December 7th. We all remember it as 'the day that will live in infamy'. Pearl Harbor. But for me it was D-Day. THE DENTIST! That's right, today is the day I was scheduled to have the rest of my teeth pulled.

I didn't sleep much the night before. Call me a pansy but I was more nervous than a ***** attending Bible study. I was surprised when they told me they'd decided not to pull all of my remaining teeth right now. Apparently the decision was made to just remove my top teeth and decide later what to do with the rest after the swelling goes down. I had become resolved to get it all over with but I wasn't going to argue with the guy with the needles and drills. I didn't feel that pissing him off before he started would be a good idea.

They took my last 4 remaining top teeth. I warned him ahead of time that I had a needle phobia hoping that he'd go a little gentler on me. I'm not sure it helped. I lost count of the number of shots of Novocaine. As spooked as I may be of needles, I sure didn't want to feel much of what was to come later.

I could hear him saying that the 'tissue' was really holding onto the teeth and he was going to have to do a lot of cutting. I kept my eyes clamped shut because I really didn't want to see what was coming. I guess the anesthetic did do it's job. The rest of the work was relatively painless. He packed my mouth with gauze before I left.

Teresa drove on the way back home. With a mouth full of gauze I couldn't talk. I did write her a note to pull over at a gas station so I could get some napkins. Despite the gauze, my mouth kept filling with blood and had a tendency to drool from my numbed face.

When I'd gotten home I decided the best thing to do was get some sleep. I couldn't talk, couldn't eat, and I was tired from the night before. It's almost 8 hours since I had the teeth pulled. The effects of the Novocaine have pretty much worn off. Now it feels like I've been punched in the face with a 2X4. The bleeding has almost stopped. I snuck out to the garage to have a smoke.

Pudding & soup. Pudding & soup. My next appointment isn't until January. I guess Christmas turkey won't be on my menu this year.