Who else have problem with whitepunkonnitro?

I am not so much aligning with him as I am saying I believe you knew better
before the parts were sent. At least on the brackets. You had to know the guy
had no idea that what he was buying from you was not what he needed. You should have told him.
You could have simply chosen not to sell it to him and told him they wouldn't work.
I believes this is how the buyer feels also.
So then he takes a chance on you again because all here is standing behind you.
This time he gets a bad part rather than the wrong part. Mistake, accident or intentional he feels reasured he has been decieved and cheated twice now based off the first incident.
I still stand by you could have prevented all of this. By not doing so is when the problem
began. I blame you, you blame him. I have absolutely nothing in this just calling it how I see it.

I see. So, what you are saying is that before I sell somebody a part, I should interview them. Get a feel of their knowledge, background, mechanical abilities and various skills.
Then, perhaps there should be a waiting period, where we each reflect on the part and purchase to see if it really fits our lives and goals.
You're right man...I should never have viciously taken advantage of this poor, misguided soul. I decieved him, led him astray and sullied my name and reputation all so I could make an interest free $50 loan for 5 days. Forcing him to pay for the $6 return shipping was just pure spitework on my selfish part. After all, there was no practical way to reach out and actually spit on his children or even key his car.
You called me on it, man.
Please, someone stop me before I destroy another man's dreams.
Hail Satan!!!