Yes, it's a sickness!!!!....

one of the first old mopars I found for sale was in 83. all I remember was it was a 273 car the guy had drug out of a cow pasture, it had a vacuum gauge ( I thought what the heck!), and he redid the rear qtr in fiberglass 3 inches thick! I really liked that oddball sucker, but NOONE back then wanted any A body period!!!!!
probably would have bought it except for that fiberglass! ha

with decent size wheels. they have a look about them. of course seeing the first hemi under glass helps! Ha

I know what you mean!! When I first found the car that would become the blue 66 in a field near my house, I fell in love with the look of it! Back then, nobody but nobody was even thinking of doing an early A, and guys at all the swap meets knew I was the only one doing them!! They were bringing cherry parts just for me, and selling them at stupid low prices!! Bought this set of rear window trim in 1996 or so for $ an NOS passenger side grille for $100, heck, the first thing I bought was a new carpet set which had just come out...$99 bucks!! Check the price on that set now!!! Yikes!!