Thinking of giving it up (a bit of a rant)

you "older" guys cant live in the past.

There are a lot of people like me who were born in the mid-80s and later while you guys were getting everything dirt cheap and in abundance.

For us 80s babies and later, the way it is now is pretty much our world. I do admit that it has changed because even ten years ago when I was younger I used to see more cars than now.

This is the age of Google and if you cant find it on Google ebay, fabo or amazon ....there is a good chance it doesn't exist.

It comes down to how bad you want it. I probably overpay for parts and cars but once its done its done. We are in the days of only a privileged few have muscle cars and relics from days long gone.

These old cars are well worth the money, how ever much the going market is for them ....they will never be made again and everyday one more is getting parted out and scrapped.

No one ever said "me and a particular dollar bill go way back, it was in my pocket when I had so many good times" most items in our lives don't matter and can be replaced. A car is not "just an item" people have memories with them and good and bad times and actually hurt over missed cars. So tell me how much that is all worth dollar-wise?!?!?!

we are all getting off cheap with sites like FABO and ebay in the current day.