Thinking of giving it up (a bit of a rant)

Back when you could actually still find parts in junk yards before the gubmint made it almost impossible for junkyards to operate.

Back when you could go on the outskirts of town, drag race with no problem from cops, raise a little hell and if you did get caught all you got was a "you better get home"

Back when you could buy an intake manifold new for 75 dollars, camshafts for 45 dollars and piston sets for 100.

Back when you knew which junkyard dogs to stay away from, because ALL the junkyards allowed you on them, because there was no worry from the insurance companies.

Back when local law enforcement even blocked off roads so you could race your buddies on a weekend night.

Back when you could actually assemble a hot street engine for under a thousand dollars, parts, machine work and all.

Back before the internet when your 30 plus years of experiences weren't instantly nullified by one click of a mouse.

That's just a start.

ALL SO TRUE< Rob, aka RRR!!

we, the older generation (baby boomers are we????) , we know that from being there.w e have those memories, and memories are what lives are basically made of. a very few people still own that car from their youth. like Rainey says, her generation missed out on that, BUT.g
those prices Rob mentions sounds cheap, BUT remember back then a gallon, of gas was 29 cents, unless a "price war" between stations,, then it was more like 19 cents! a brand new '69 roadrunner, $2900 plus a few pennies. I remember a neighbor bought a brand new '66 1/2 ton chevy pickup bare model, was like $2200, that is NEW! loaf of bread in '66 was what 19 cents! I worked after school in the mid 60's at the A and P grocery for $1.15/hr. ( good wages)... not enough for me to buy a "fast" car, even of dad would have let me have it!

news said other day inflation for the last 12 years adds up to 30%. life is hard! my income has not increased 30 % in last 12 years, maybe 5%. if that.

having lived back then and now, you baby boomers, WHAT is YOUR opinion of those times??? I say life was BETTER in general!!!! If not in Nam! maybe a spinoff thread, not trying to hi jack this.

anyway, all us OLD and YOUNGER guys both, that have sold off a beloved Mopar before, how many of us KNOW it actually turned out to be a mistake!!!!! I for one!!
many reasons to sell that old car, many are valid, but it usually turns out if we sucked it UP! life would have worked out and we would still have that car!!

getting a case of the FUNK! is not fun, but it can be overcome!!!!!!!!