Converter stall speed recommendations

This will give you an idea of what you need for info. There may also be more questions they need to ask of you.

Your intended usage is also very important. Street, street/occasional strip.

Spend the money once, do it correctly. If you go off the shelf you may not be very happy, or you may not get the full potential of the cars capabilities.

Like Tracy said, this IS probably the most crucial part of the drive train for performance or lack thereof.
X2 with getting YOUR SPECS to a converter builder. Don't bs them on the specs either, or no matter whose converter you get, it'll likely be wrong. Seen it too many times where the wrong information was supplied and then had to put up with po'd customer. Your cam maker also has probably made a suggestion as to the stall that will best with YOUR SETUP. Trying to guess what stall is needed for you is a crapshoot at best.