
Alright, today I tackled the passenger side seat bottom.

Here it is, belly up, and not looking too shabby.

Started by shooting some pics to help remind me what goes where.

...things like where hog rings were placed and how many...

I didn't have to disassemble and of this but, not knowing so at the time, I took some close up pics anyway.

I found some of the hog ring work to be a bit sloppy. Rings installed that missed the frame altogether or that just didn't quite grab the material correctly.

More details...

Noting where hog rings were installed to secure the shaping wires.

Noting where the burlap wire was hog ringed to the frame...

...and how this was attached...

I think these were 7/16" bolts. The ones at the opposite end and inside the seat were 1/2".