hello everyone new guy with a 72 dart


It's nice to see more young people on the forum. Building a car while young is really rewarding. I've been working on mine since I turned 16; I've painted it, swapped the 225 for a 318 I built, and built a 340 to replace the 318 and done a lot of other stuff too..and I'm 20 now. This forum is a great place to ask questions, so if you need to know anything just ask and you'll get it answered.

As for the pictures... go to "go advanced", click on the paper clip to attach a file, click "choose file" and select what you want to upload, then click upload. Then close that window. On mobile I have only been able to upload one picture at a time, anything more and it deletes the previous picture. I also preview the post to make sure the picture uploaded. So yeah, that's pretty much how you do that. It works on my iPhone, don't know what you've got but it should work similar.

Once again, welcome! :cheers: