Dipping vs blasting

I'm wanting to get going on my 68 Barracuda. The body needs a complete repaint. Living in Ohio it's entire life it has it's fair share of rust both visible and hidden. Having stated that I'm debating on which I should look at.
Having the entire car media blasted or having it dipped.
My thoughts are having it dipped as it will get in all the nooks and crannies to get all the crap out. It also give the new paint a good adhesion surface. At the dippers in my area I can have it hit with a rust inhibitor and one has a dipping process that applies an EDP coating for better protection.
Media blasting can leave residue that can be a pain too completely remove. But is a little less expensive.
I plan on keeping this car until I die so I want it to last and look great. I will get driven a lot but only in nicer weather.
Which would you choose and why?