Demon carbs


Come on man, your comment = garbage. I will explain the why and the how of my statement.

If you want to help anyone with your input tell us WHY Demons are garbage.
Is it a specific model that's crap?
Is it the entire product line?
Is it their customer service?
How about price vs performance?

Same goes for any brand X vs brand Y comparison. Until you back up your statement with data, you're merely full of crap and not worth listening to.

Because i had a Mighty demon that thing was a piece of ****,no matter what i did to tune that thing nothing would work or when i finally thought i had it dialed-in it would start acting up again,and redo my adjustments again..I highly recommend a Quickfuel right out of the box it has performed flawlessly other then having to change jets for weather conditions..Hows that for an explanation!!!!