fly wheel not.resurfaced

I've been driving mostly stick since 1970. I have mixed and matched all kinds of clutch parts. I have treated that stuff real bad,allbeit mostly on the street. I have taken the clutches out and seen the worst kind of bluing, cracking, and funny looking sun-spots that you can imagine, on the factory flywheels.They shone all kinds of colors back at me and looked like serpent scales.
But I've never had a clutch chatter on me.And I only ever resurfaced one.....Just because it was out
I think your springs have gone soft. By any chance,did you put a teener disc in there;cuz those hub-springs are pretty soft. My 360 can spit those out in just a short time. And I don't use 3-finger clutches anymore.
But I have to agree with others; cuz I have changed out that stuff for others, and with a resurfaced flywheel,and a new pilot bushing,all was good again.
I don't think there is any other cure for it, except to pull it out, resurface it and replace the complete clutch;unless you can find someone to reface the pp too;but I bet it would be cheaper to just replace it.I've had good success with new Chrysler 340 discs,on the street, and with a CFII pressure plate.I did not like the CFII disc. It broke stuff.But it chirped the tires real good into 3rd at 80plus mph,with new 295s, behind my little 367.