men and dogs

as pet owners we all have responsibility to the animal and to people that it could affect. I've lived out in the "boonies" all my life. I feel bad for dogs, especially breeds that are large, or ones that their instinct directs them toward a desire for open country. in the city, a walk on a leash is their only choice. take them out to the open spaces they are not used too, they can get over joyed and run off and get lost real quick.

out here, 99% of dogs run loose, few people move out here and fence in a yard for them. hunting dogs generally stay in kennel type affair. fact is, if a dog gets on neighbors property, that land owner has the right to tend to this dog if causing a problem. if he knows the owner, he can contact them to get the dog off his place.

a dog that gets over in a neighbors pasture, and "runs" their cattle or livestock, , is likely to get shot. if a dog coms on my place and I don't know the owner and fights my dogs, he will get shot. I would not want to do that, but it boils down to protecting mine. fortunately I live plenty far enough from anyone, and I can recognize the neighbors dogs, and they also don't come a round. if they did I would call them and tell them to come get them, and if they got into a fight with mine, he would get informed what will be the out come if it happens again.