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Natalie's paint did not come out as good as I had hoped. With time I can fix it up. But the structure of the body is now solid. The two rusted out bottoms of the rear quarter panels were filled in with Bondo only. Now there is 2 pieces of sheet metal welded in there, inside and outside, then filler was thinly added. Instead of 1/2 in of bondo there is about an 1/8 inch of filler.
The other few rust thrus were filled with bondo and like the quarter panels they now have metal welded back into them and filler added slightly.
The front of the two front fenders had deep dents in them which had up to 3 inches of Bondo plugging them up. Now the dents were pulled out as far as I could and a thin layer of filler placed over them .

The bottom of the spare tire well was rusted away completely so they used bondo to fill in the hole. The problem was the braces holding up the gas tank was attached to the bondo. I cut out the well and welded in a new steel well.

The body is now solid and safe