My Cars

Welcome to FABO - post more details/pics on the '37 Chrysler!!!

Thanks for your comments. The 37, I just picked up this winter. It was in a fellows shop for 10 years. He drove it in and parked it. 100,000 miles with a recent head job, and complete (nothing missing). I knew this fellow and he was not pushing to sell it as he has other old cars. A friend said to drop by and I would be the guy he wants to have it. I heard $4,000.00 was the asking price for me so I expected a rough car. These exact cars in a field and rough were up to 10,000 bucks. It took me 2 minutes and I told him "It's sold". I didn't start it nor did I look further than the pass. side. I found out this is a Canadian car and about 300-325 were made in 1937. This will be my last project car. I'm 60 and will be keeping this stock. I bought a 283 with a tranny to put in it but this baby is too rare to modify, so it will stay Mopar forever. My wife went nuts when I bought this. All the best BB.