How many, have nursed a knocking Rod home?

I had a Gold Duster a 1970 I think with a slant 6. I drove it every day back in the early 80's. Then one day driving home with my 1 year old daughter in a car seat in the back I heard a loud noise and knew I through a rod but it was still running and I needed to get my daughter home so I just kept going very slow. One of my buddies said he saw this car up ahead just smoking like a pig and when he pulled up close to me he said he just started laughing and knew it was me. He followed me home about 5 miles to make sure I made it. The next day I was out side swapping the motor and getting it back ready to drive to work, Just like your's RedFish I through a rod right through the side of the block. I drove that car until the rear springs let loose and came through the trunk, then gave it to my kid brother who welded some brackets to hold the springs again and he drove it for a few more years before it died for good.