Not the braking I want

Well, I doubt that the pedal has an adjustment but the rod could possibly be too long. If you just drive and don't use the brakes, and then gradually stop, there should be very little heat in the brakes. Is this the case?

Are these the same pads? If so, then I suspect the pad material for the squeal. Is it correct that this squeal occurs only when you apply the brakes? If so, then see if you can get some anti-squeal 'goop' to apply on the back of the pads.

Glad to hear things are better now!

Yeah I shortened the pedal Rod a touch to give that a shot. ( raining now)

Brand new pads, rotors, and calipers. Put some anti squeal goop on when assembled.

It only happened for a little bit but seemed to be doing it with very little pedal but I should drive it a bit more to be more accurate.