Stop in for a cup of coffee

Looks like an early monte Carlo to me 70-72
Then what do I know.
You know your GM A-Bodies; it's a 72 Monte. But addition to being Mr. Green Genes Sharecropper #1 at Halifax Hops I am also Chief Asst. Engine Room Lackey there and co-conspirator on many an innovative Mopar beer-in-eering project. As Mopars go, I do have a 97 Cherokee here in the yard with a newly-installed 2011 Jasper 4.0 6 in it (Does that count as a Mopar or an AMC?) and the old engine rusting behind the shed with dollar-size holes burnt thru #'s 2 and 6 pistons, and #4 just totally broken down. The moral of that story is, when you're losing a quart of water a day and can't see where it's coming out, check to see whether there's a hole in the radiator.