What a way to start the day!

So I decide to drive the 75 Dart to work this morning just to keep the battery charged and row through the gears.... About 2 miles away I'm going over a railroad bridge under construction on the south loop and hear a "kaching" almost like an M-1 Garand clip. About 2 seconds later the whole car shakes like a SOB! I make it down the other side of the two narrow lanes and pull over behind the cones and look under the car hoping to see some clue. Rear U-joint straps are in place and no sign of wear there so pretty sure it's the front but no way to see it the way the car sits. I decide to take a back road to see if I can limp it home and make it about half way before it comes all the way out of the front yoke and starts bouncing around the tunnel and H pipe. Another good reason to have an H pipe! The shaft was as is when I bought the car but I did "feel" the U-joints for tension etc before putting it back in after sealing the shift shafts. Apparently a C clip was barely on and a front cup exited stage right when the clip shot of. So I try to call work and let them know I'll be a little late and of course nobody answers till straight up 8. I grab the cheapo HF socket set out of the trunk and unwrap it, roll under the side of the car and proceed to pull the strap caps. I call my wife and tell her to get the chain behind her 4 wheeler and come get me I'm just past Amarillo Gear. Poor gal is brilliant with several degrees but severely directionally challenged. "Where's that?" I finally point out a few landmarks that she grasps and says, "Oh the road I take to get the dogs to the vet. She does a great job of towing me home however and after all that I'm only 30 minutes late! Happy birthday to me! :BangHead: