Made a life changine decision..........

Well today I got further along on the "tower reduction" program, I've been doing some thinking, and decided to make a minor change.

First, I needed to put an arm/ bracket some ways up the tower with pulleys / blocks so I can lower the wire antenna when needed. That antenna is so long, it leaves near the top of the tower, goes out front and doubles back, and goes out to the garage and doubles back. The arm and pulley blocks near the top of the tower went up last time. It is unchanged, and supports the center of the wire antenna


This is the bracket I added today, down below the arm for the wire antenna. This is a homebrew bracket originally for a sat antenna. One pulley block/ rope takes up the folded end of the antenna coming "back" from the garage, the other is the end out in front


This is the simple mast on the far end of the garage, an insulator with the wire antenna coming from and back to the tower. Top wire comes from the single arm up high on the tower, the lower wire feeds back to the bracket I added today


This is the mast out front on the carport. This mast used to hold the big beams on the hazer unit, now just holds up the front yard end of the dipole, also coming from, and going back to the tower I put it up last week. Same deal, the lower part of the wire goes back to the bracket I added today


Also, I have an old Mosley tri-band three element beam. Mosley ALSO sells a rotatable dipole, which essentially, is the driven (single) element. This has "traps" (two in one can) so the antenna works on three amateur bands, 20 meters (14 mhz), 15 meters (21 mhz), and 10 meters (28-29 mhz)

I decided to put this on top of the tower, with no rotator, mounted permanently east-west. Just having only the one element, it's bi-directional. So if it breaks or quits, I may not even fix it, just leave it in place

Below is a depiction of the Mosley rotatable dipole which will go up next week I hope


This is the mast I added today with a set of commercial clamps I had. I needed to get the monopole (vhf/uhf) up above the tower, and provide some room for the dipole away from the tower guys and hardware


Below, and overall look. The vhf/ uhf monopole at very top on the added mast section. The rotatable dipole will clamp to this mast just above the tower.

Below that the TV antenna, and below that the arm for the center of the wire antenna

Finally, below that, the added bracket / pullies for the "fold back" on the wire antenna. This, simply, allows me to lower the wire antenna if needed without climbing anything.

Also, that bracket could mount one more say, vhf antenna, or sat dish if need be.
