Sub-frame connectors... Please build them correctly!

I found this post/thread when searching for subframe connector types. From the OP, I disagree with that assessment. He tried to back off of his original assertion (that connectors not tied to floor were/are worthless or next to worthless) but in any case, I do not agree. I am not an automotive engineer (but I have one on the family) but the parallel support argument does not ring true in this case. The reason that the subframe connectors DO add significant stiffening even without welding to the floor is that indeed they are creating a box effect. The one side of the "box" being the connector with the other side being floorpan (with all the inter-related connections of the floorpan to the subframe, rocker, crossmembers, etc). Without a doubt, some connection to the floorpan is better for rigidity (the more connection the is gusseting/torque boxes/connection to rocker) but the idea that these connectors without floor connection is "next to worthless" is an idea that I do not support.