Polyester filler primer,anything new?....

Here is a little tip I would be happy to share. This is what we do at my shop. When using a k2 primer mix it as a sealer every time. Why you ask Well it lays down much nicer. The real reason is die back. as the product is much thinner it will shrink up a lot quicker than heavy coats. leaving no sand scratches to show up in the paint later. I apply 3 coats in between block sanding.

I agree with this. I always mix my surface primer "thin" It soaks into the sand scratches better that way and doesn't bridge anything. It also like mentioned above dies back quicker and less... If you're going for build then just spray more... Even when I spray a polyester filler I thin it out.. There is no reason you need to make it spray like crap just to get less coats on. I would thin it, and spray until I was happy with the build.