StansBlue72's daughter here

Hi everyone.
This is StansBlue72's daughter here. I am sitting here in the hospital with him, unable to sleep so I thought I'd let you all know whats going on.

I know you have all been a big part of his life and his journey so I wanted to update you. Sadly my dad is not doing well. He is currently in the ICU and we aren't sure he is going to be here with us much longer. We are hoping and praying he will be, but things are not looking good and he has so many obstacles to overcome. He is currently on a respirator, a dialysis machine, ad has about 12 bags of various things running in his IV. His kidneys have shut down and his stomach is not seeming to be working, his heart is having problems. He came in severely dehydrated on Thursday due to GI problems he was having from Graft VS Host, a side affect of his stem cell transplant to fight the lymphoma. While here on Monday he came down with 2 blood infections and went into septic shock. He's been out of it and sleeping out of the time since then and this morning took a turn for the worse.

All he wanted to do was to get out of here by July 9th to take his Dart and enter it into a car show in our city, Rodz on 3rd in Marysville, Wa. His Birthday is July 8 and we were planning to do it for his birthday. Hopefully he pulls through but if not as hard as it is to imagine doing it, I intend to bring his car and enter it in the show for him on that date in his honor, hard as it may be. If any of you are local I hope you will come see his car he poured his blood sweat and tears into.

I'm feeling very overwhelmed and scared and sad, and every other emotion right now so I am going to keep this short. But you have all been such a big part of his life I wanted to let you all know what was going on.

Please pray for him, think good thoughts, whatever it is you do. We need all we can get. If he pulls through this he is going to have a huge huge battle to climb still, and if he does not we all have our own battles we will have to face.

I feel so lost, and I can not imagine a world without my amazing dad in it. I love him so much and he has always been the best father I could have ever asked for. I Hope I get many more years with him but sadly tonight its looking like that might not happen.

Please keep him in your thoughts.

*Also for anyone on his Facebook we have not publicly posted this yet so please refrain from posting on his Facebook until we do so. Just some of you here are like another family to him and I felt the need to let you all know. I don't know how many hours, days, weeks, this forum kept him busy while he sat getting chemo, blood, infusions, or recovering in a hospital bed. You all really did help him get through everything.