
What's better Carlisle or "The Nats."

Don't take it wrong anybody here.... but I do like the National's in Columbus, OH. The only thing I just don't agree with, is they do not let you stay (camp/stay on your spaces/within your space boundries, like they do at the Chrysler's at Carlisle! As with most very large event's, they have plenty of security people at the most vulnerable time (at night) so this is my biggest issue with the National's. After needing to spend hundred's of dollars just to pay for the space's, then have to spend even more, to get a Motel/Hotel to stay at, just is not worth it to us. Oh.... if you may be thinking, why can't we stay at the campground next door, well my brother is on a C-pac breathing machine, (for sleeping purpose's) and I myself is getting checked for sleep apnea, as soon as I come back from Carlisle. So, we need electric, to be sure, and both of us are NOT into other people making ton's of noise half of the night, let alone trying to sleep in super hot weather, and sweating like a hog too! You may think this is a cry baby story, but it just the facts, in my opinion! Dodge33