Bent up stuff

You're just lucky that you didn't drop a valve and take out the whole piston, head, and possibly the cylinder/block with it.
I think the push rod length is wrong, (among a lot of other things) given your story.
They handed you some push rods and said "this is what you need" sounds fishy to me in the way of nobody checked clearances on anything really, and just threw some parts at it from a catalogue. Very unprofessional to say the least. HUGE red flag. Setting the valve lash by eye? Huge red flag. Remove the p.c.v.? Huge red flag. Valve to piston clearance over 3/8''? Bullshit. And a huge red flag again.
Forget about going back to them and trying to get parts, cut your ties with them professionally, and do it right yourself even if you have to spend $500 on tools.
Get your information and machine work done with KNOWN professional engine builders that specialize in Mopar engines. There are several on here.
Learn how to degree your cam yourself, and check all clearances yourself. It really isn't all that hard if you have the tools, just time consuming.
Just my 2 cents as usual.........
Dartnut just saved me a lot of typing(thank God). I agree with everything he just said! Especially you being lucky it didn't drop a valve!