Bent up stuff

not sure if this has been mentioned - a machinist and a mechanic are not the same thing - - many people are both... and many others are one OR the other. But just because the guy can run a lathe or a CNC machine etc., doesn't automatically qualify him to tune or set up your car for you - - and vise versa. Tough way to learn a lesson.. and I'm really glad to see the damage isn't a lot worse!! Back up - take a deep breath and forge forward. THE hardest part of building a car is the last 10% - you start to get all jacked up and just want it done, get it running and on the road.. and miss one friggin' thing... BOOM.. suddenly you're back to where you were 6 weeks ago... :BangHead::BangHead:. Chin up, chest out - you go this, lots of great advice and info in this thread!