Belts flapping when AC is on?

This could be caused by something like resonance. It may get worse or better with changes in RPM. In the early 70's I had adapted an aftermarket setup on my Road Runner, came off the 440, onto the 340. Everything was fitted "square" and lined up, but the belt would make racket at some RPMs. This setup had one of those off-center adjustable idler setups like Ford used on so many cars, and one day I realized, I COULD TURN IT AROUND and change the length of two sections of belt on which it rode. ......I got lucky. FIXED!!

Here's one I stole off the internet, on a Ford of all things. The idler is at the top. There's a bolt coming into it from behind. You loosen the bolt, twist the hex to adjust, and then tighten the bolt. If you can see, it's eccentric, sort of "leaning this way." If you have the room, and belt length, you can flop it over "the other way" which changes the lengths of the belt sections "before" and "after" the idler.
