Been uncomfortable for lil while....

I had a kidney stone the docs sonic blasted into tiny tiny sand. It came out no problem there after. But the pain of the procedure was to be honest, brutal.

This is the pain you want to give your enemy.

Doc gave me 750 Vike's which helped but I thought were not enough. Walking helped A LOT! Paced the house like crazy for a couple of days.

To help ease the pain, a teaming hot shower helped in a huge way.
Paw, a guy I worked with, his family all had kidney stones, several times. Dave had to have several of them blasted. He told me if I ever go thru this to turn the temperature of the water heater up and take as hot of a shower as I can stand. He told me, thru the tears from laughing, about his brother passing out from the pain while trying to pass a stone. When his brother went down he hit his head on the tub, giving himself a concussion. He also took out a freestanding cabinet on the way down...
Good luck Sir...