Cinnamon 75 Duster \

Workin on my trunk junk. Painted the jack mechanism and base. Glued the felt pad back on the top support. Figured out how it's actually supposed to go in there...
The spare is now a 5.5 inch wheel like the others. So, the bolt is now too short. Need a 7". Flipped the spare so it reaches for now. Also looking for a nicer cover board. This one is cracked on one corner. If I flip the tire, the jack base supports it from underneath and it lays nicely in the rim and one wing nut holds everything tight. If I leave the tire as/is, I could put another nut over the board. I have the instruction sticker, but its not in great shape, Not sure what is correct. Gonna research a bit...

2016-08-16 18.10.57.jpg

2016-08-16 18.11.28.jpg