Zac_F71's 71 Demon

Found out the underside of the scoop just barely rubs the air filter, so I plan on having my works's body shop cut the relief for the air filter, and cut the scoops out, and finally paint it..

I bought a 6ft piece of 1/4" steel rod to make the prop rod. (woulda got aluminum but they didn't have any long enough) I then started bending it up to match the contour of the hood latch panel in front of the core support. Once it was bent into shape, and a mount, and latch for when it's down was made. I painted it all in the factory color..

The last thing I did to the car.. put the pin finishing plates in the hood.. this was the better part of a month ago as the Hood showed up to work while I was down in Wisconsin messing around with the car!