'65 Dart Wagon J.W. Speaker 8700 Install

Last night I needed a small task to do so I felt like I did something with the car for the day. Since my new headlamps were sitting in boxes in the garage and the sun had already gone down I thought it would be an excellent choice to cross that item off my list.

I got the sylvania lamp out with no issues. Then I removed the headlight bucket/mounting ring. Everything was moving along quickly and smoothly. Then I tried to fit the new headlamp into the bucket... The heatsink caught against the metal in the back. I thought to myself "No big deal I'll just use my trusty combination pliers to flare the rim." Once that was done I found that the heatsink for the new lamp was still catching elsewhere. Long story short I ended up having to cut off nearly half of the bucket to get that thing in. This is no simple task when you can't find your tin snips and you don't have a Dremel. Also it was late, so the noise of cutting with a dremel might have been problematic.

I've tried searching and am wondering if I missed this critical information in one of the threads around here. I can't seem to find it mentioned, though it probably is. I'll be stopping to pick up a Dremel tonight to clean up the mess I made last night and cut the other bucket. I just want this done for now, but do other people just buy new headlight mounting rings and it hasn't been mentioned?

I'll see if I can grab some pictures tonight, but man what a difference between the two lamps side by side.