63 Dart convertible side and rear trim clip placement

Hi Folks, fall is heading this way fast here in the Pacific Northwest so I am trying to get my yearly work completed. I got my doors painted and was working on putting back the trim on the side and trunk deck and threw my back just bending over, sucks thinking I'm 38 and my body blatantly pointing out that I am 68, rats! I have been out for a couple of weeks.

I had some issues with the plastic clips that have the round locking piece that goes in the middle so I cleaned the old ones up with detergent and they went in fine.

I find however that there are some clips that have a wire piece that clips into the molding and have some of them in two sizes some need replacement because the wire piece has rusted away.

I don't remember exactly where those weird pieces go so does anyone have any information on where the different clips go to mount the side trim?

Also if anyone knows the size of those odd metal clips with the wire can you let me know?
I have looked online and found them in differing sizes but would like to know more about them.

Thanks yall!