Cinnamon 75 Duster \

Looks like my effort on Saturday was worth it. Heavy rain overnight did not find my carpet. :thumbsup: no more precipitation predicted till October!
We did get a pretty good rain dump, over 3 inches in the past week. Drivers side was DRY. there was a trace on passenger side. Not enough to worry about, but I will do that door the way I did driver. Seemed to sneak in the same way.
Hope to do a little more to it before winter, but paint will definitely not happen this year anymore. Might get at a little more bodywork and still want to check ride height and rough check the alignment.
We just got a new roof from hail damage that hit us in Spring, so had to move it out back last week. I noticed wipers would not run at all -need to investigate that. Also, I may have a leak near back of motor. Thought it was just paint burning off before, but may be manifold or head. Last but not least. Has a bit more vibration when in gear than I think it should. Not as noticeable with all the parts bolted on, but still there...

2016-09-23 17.44.46.jpg