Door Jam Rust Damage Advice

As Rusty said, you should for sure look inside. Mine was only broken around the washer, but all the way around so the latch was totally loose. I welded, but then also backed it with a metal plate ( used a 4X4 electrical cover plate with a knockout). I drilled 6 or 8 holes around the latch hole,& plug welded the plate to the jamb then had to weld the "holder" to the plate. I had the Qtr off, so a little easier, but could be done from inside. Thought I had a closer up, but if you zoom in on 2nd pic, you will see plate.

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I would love to go that in depth with my project, but I don't have a garage as of right now to park the Duster in order to take everything out of it. However, it is in my plan to do so. I will keep this mind tho when I cross that road.