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Micro breweries galore here. And good ones. None of the weak 3-4% you're used to.
Been to SD before...I think in Spanish it means "whales ******"?? Ron Burgundy quote.
I was there on a trip in 86 meeting my Great Aunt and Uncle. He was stationed there in the Navy. He was actually on the recovery team for one of the 1st Apollo missions. He had a 67(68??) Dart GTS. Beautiful car.
When I met him Alzheimer's had started to set in. Sad. His sister my 94 year old Gramma is still alive.
I would love to find out information on him if you or anyone can help.
Good beers on me!
This ain't the 80's Magnum
That Budweiser versus Molson debate has done shaved off it's mullet.